Reports tematici preparati dal congresso dei poteri regionali e locali *

( reports in lingua inglese ordinati cronologicamente)

  1. The use of performance indicators in local public services (1997)
  2. Regionalisation and its effects on local self-government (1998)
  3. Limitations of local taxation, financial equalisation and methods for calculating general grants (1998)
  4. Electoral systems and voting procedures at local level (1999)
  5. Supervision and auditing of local authorities' action (1999)
  6. Management of municipal real estate property (1999)
  7. Participation of citizens in local public life (2000)
  8. Effects on the financial autonomy of local and regional authorities resulting from the limits set at European level on national public debt (2000)
  9. The role of local authorities in the field of local social services (2000)
  10. Methods for estimating local authorities' spending needs and methods for estimating revenue (2001)
  11. Neighbourhood services in disadvantaged urban areas and in areas of low population (2001)
  12. Administrative and territorial reforms creating territorial communities or authorities at different levels (2002)
  13. Institutional dialogue between the state, regions, local authorities and their associations (2002)
  14. Public ethics at local level: Model initiatives package (2002)
  15. Relationship between the size of local and regional authorities and their effectiveness and economy of their action (2002)
  16. Budgetary procedures and budget management at local authority level (2002)
  17. Recovery of local and regional authorities in financial difficulties (2002)
  18. The risks arising from local authorities’ financial obligations (2002)
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